Summary. The effects of a fibrinolysis inhibitor (tranexamic acid, TA) and prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor (diclofenac sodium, DS) were compared in the reduction of excessive menstrual blood loss in 19 women with an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD). These women (mean blood loss before treatment to 135.1±18.9 SE ml, range 70–294 ml) were treated in random order with TA (1.5 g three times daily for 5 days starting on the first day of menstruation for two periods), and with DS (50 mg three times on the first day followed by 25 mg three times daily for 4 days, for two periods), or with placebo (one period) in a double‐blind trial. The placebo treatment did not change menstrual blood loss (128.3±15.6 ml). The TA treatment decreased blood loss to 59.4±7.7 ml (PP<0.01). Neither treatment abolished pelvic discomfort during menstruation or shortened its duration. Various side‐effects were noted by 12 women during 19 TA treatments and by five women during six DS treatments. Thus, while TA is generally far more effective, DS gave pronounced decreases in menstrual bleeding in some women and had less frequent side‐effects.