Karyotype, DNA replication and origin of sex chromosomes in Anopheles atroparvus

Anopheles atroparvus has two pairs of autosomes similar in length and morphology and two sex chromosomes with equal, heterochromatic, late replicating long arms with homologous C-, G-, and Q-bands. The short arm of the Y is shorter than that of the X and both are euchromatic. The mean number of chiasmata per cell in the male is 3.2. During mitosis there is a high grade of somatic pairing but X and Y, which form a heteropycnotic mass in the interphase nucleus, have a differential behaviour. The chronology of DNA replication was studied in spermatogonia and brain cells by autoradiography. It is hypothesized that the present sex chromosomes of A. atroparvus evolved by accumulation of sex determining factors and gene deterioration resulting in heterochromatinization of the long arms, followed by structural rearrangements.—The homology of the two sex chromosomes requires limited dosage compensation which is achieved either as in Drosophila by modifier genes or by accumulation on the short arm of the X, only of female determining factors which do not require dosage compensation.