Basis of Type A and F Toxicities of Clostridium botulinum Strain 84

Summary Clostridium botulinum Strain 84 culture fluid concentrate, whose toxicity requires for neutralization a mixture of type A and F antitoxins, was absorbed separately with the two types of antitoxin. Toxic titer of the type that corresponded to the antitoxin used for absorption was reduced to a low level without a significant decrease in the toxicity titer of the heterologous type. Absorption of anti-84 serum with type A or F toxoid reduced only the homologous type of antitoxic activity. Culture strain 84 produces a mixture of type A and F toxin molecules and not a single toxic molecular species which reacts with A and F antitoxins. Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and by Grant 5-RO1-FD-00090 of the U.S. Public Health Service.

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