The Decline in B Lymphopoiesis in Aged Mice Reflects Loss of Very Early B-Lineage Precursors

The primary age-related loss in B cell progenitors is thought to be at the pro- to pre-B cell transition. However, we show that the frequencies and absolute numbers of all progenitor populations for the B cell lineage, including B-lineage-committed pro-B cells and multipotent B-lymphoid progenitors, decline in aged C57BL/6 mice. Moreover, when derived from aged mice, lymphoid progenitors within every population examined exhibited suboptimal IL-7 responsiveness, demonstrating that age-associated suboptimal IL-7R signaling is a general property of all early B-lineage precursors. Collectively, these data indicate that aging results in a previously unappreciated decline in the earliest stages of B cell development.