DNA synthesized in the hepatitis B Dane particle DNA polymerase reaction

Radioactive DNA was prepared in extensive (4 h) Dane particle DNA polymerase reactions. In different experiments the amount of new DNA, determined by the amount of nucleotide incorporation into an acid-insoluble form, was between 29 and 45% of the total circular DNA isolated from Dane particle preparations after the reaction. DNA reassociation kinetics were used to determine the complexity of the newly synthesized DNA. In different experiments COt1/2 values, corresponding to between 625 and 1,250 nucleotide pairs, were obtained for the radioactive Dane particle DNA. These results suggest that a unique region (or regions), corresponsing to approximately one-fourth to one-half of the circular Dane particle DNA template, was copied one time during the reaction. DNA and RNA extracted from hepatitis B virus-infected liver but not from uninfected liver accelerated the rate of reassociation of radioactive DNA from Dane particles. These Dane particle DNA base sequences were found in alkali-stable, rapidly sedimenting DNA from infected liver as well as in DNA sedimenting at a rate similar to the DNA extracted from Dane particles. These findings are consistent with Dane particle DNA being hepatitis B virus DNA that is integrated into high-molecular-weight cellular DNA and transcribed into RNA in infected liver.