In addition to the morphological examination, the corticosteroid content in an aldosterone-producing adenoma [in a human] was measured. Histologically, the adenoma consists of 4 cell types. The major component of the adenoma was clear-type cells. In this type of cell, the activities of 3.beta.-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase showed weakly positive. The fine structure was characterized by numerous lipid vacuoles and poor organellae. Intermediate- and compact-type cells revealed higher than moderate activities of these enzymes. Marked development of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria was noted. Zona glomerulosa-type cells were observed only in a small part. The content of aldosterone and corticosterone in aldosterone-producing adenoma was significantly larger than those of the other type of adenoma. A tendency of positive correlation between the increase of compact-type cells and content of aldosterone was found. The cell origin of this aldosterone-producing adenoma and functional role of clear- and compact-type cells were discussed.