Evolution of vacuolar H+-ATPases: immunological relationships of the nucleotide-binding subunits

The evolution of the endomembrane systems of eukaryotic cells can be examined by exploring the evolutionary origins of the endomembrane H+-ATPases. Recent studies suggest that certain polypeptides are common to all H+ pumps of this type. Tonoplast H+ -ATPase from Beta vulgaris L. was purified and antibodies raised to two of its subunits. Each of these antisera reacted with a polypeptide of the corresponding size in bovine chromaffin granules, bovine clathrincoated vesicles, and yeast vacuolar membranes, suggesting common structural features and a common ancestor for endomembrane H+-ATPases of different organelles and different kingdoms. The antiserum raised against the 57-kDa polypeptide of plant tonoplast H+ -ATPase also reacted with subunit "a" of the H+-ATPase from the obligately anaerobic bacterium Clostridium pasteurianum and to the α subunit of the H+ -ATPase from Escherichia coli. There was no reactivity with chloroplast or mitochondrial ATPases. These results are discussed in relation to recent sequence data which suggest that endomembrane H+-ATPases may be evolutionarily related to the F0F1 ATPases.Key words: H+ -ATPase, evolution, immunology, vacuole, endomembrane.