A new system for performing uretheral pressure profiles, the fluid bridge test and micturitional urethral pressure profiles has been designed based on the use of a microcomputer. The method described has not only led to major improvemnt in the presentation and accuracy of these tests but for the first time urethral profilometry has been adapted to detect sphincter incompetence and obstruction in 1 simple method. The fluid bridge test was performed on 46 men and 18 women. The results suggest that this test was excellent for urodynamic evaluation of retrograde ejaculation, post-prostatectomy incontinence and vesicourethral neuropathy, and its value was confirmed in women with stress incontinence. Micturitional urethral pressure profiles were performed in 38 men and 2 women. Not only was this test found to correlate well with conventional methods of detecting obstruction but it was able to diagnose urinary outflow obstruction in patients with equivocal pressure/flow studies and patients with contractile detrusors. It also allowed diagnosis of the site of obstruction in men with vesicourethral neuropathy without the need for radiological screening.