The Nutritive Value of Proteins of Muscle from Hogs Fed Diets Supplemented with Aureomycin or Terramycin Hydrochloride

The nutritive value of proteins of pork was studied when hogs were fed (1) a basal ration adequate for growth; (2) the basal ration supplemented with aureomycin hydrochloride; or (3) the basal ration supplemented with terramycin hydrochloride. Growth and nitrogen balance of weanling rats that were offered 1.6% of nitrogen served as criteria. Inclusion of 10 mg of aureomycin or terramycin per pound of ration fed to hogs did not stimulate the growth of rats, but nitrogen balance, expressed in terms of surface area, was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when pork representing the basal ration was fed than when meat from hogs receiving either of the antibiotics was offered. The nutritive value of pork proteins was similar to that of beef for the growing rat.