Gelatinization of Rice Starch in Aqueous Urea Solutions

Addition of urea to starch slurry causes gelatinization of starch at room temperature. The time required for gelatinization, type of gel formed, rheological properties and apparent viscosity of starch suspension in urea solutions were determined. The latter did not decrease significantly after storing for up to 8 weeks whereas that of cooked starch decreased sharply after one week of storage. Suspensions of starch in urea solutions did not show any fermentation and retrogradation during 8 weeks storage. Its is suggested that urea interacts with starch to form adducts or urea starch complexes. The magnitude of the latter and its abundance is dependent on the concentrations of urea and starch. The urea starch complex acquires very high affinity to water thereby causing swelling and gelatinization of starch.

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