Having already communicated the additional knowledge I obtained last year (1845), concerning the drift and erratic blocks of Sweden*, I propose in this memoir to give the results of the examination of those palæozoic and associated rocks in several parts of that country which fell under the joint observation of my friend M. de Verneuil and myself during the same period. Two of the districts under review have not been critically examined since they were described by Hisinger; and this memoirs being the Swedish language, with which few persons are familiar, and having been written before the palæozoic classification was established, no apology is required for the present attempt to group correctly all the ancient sedimentary deposits in those tracts, and to show what additions have been made to our knowledge of them by recent researches*. In a memoir communicated to this Society in the year 1844, and in the first chapter of the work on Russia, I endeavoured, partly by personal exploration, and partly by the inspection of fossils in the Museums of Stockholm and Christiania, to group the palæozoic masses with Lower and Upper Silurian strata. But as an additional survey could not fail materially to improve my acquaintance with these deposits (particularly as I was on the last occasion accompanied by my able associate, M. de Verneuil), I now place the main results of our last tour before British geologits. These results coincide with the general view of the Scandinavian succession which was before propounded, and which

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