Fast decay of the visible band electron in e-irradiated crystalline ice at low temperature: The isotope effects and the role of a mobile proton in the decay

The trapped electron which absorbs in the visible region in crystalline ice evis has been studied by pulse radiolysis in the low temperature range 6 to 77 K using 2 μs pulses, and above 77 K using pulses of 40 ps to 6 ns width. The half‐life of evis in ice around 77 K is unusually short, 8 ns in H2O ice and 120 ns in D2O ice. The decay of evis in ice is found to fit Hummel’s empirical equation for the decay by geminate ion recombination in a spur. Several other pieces of evidence indicate that the decay occurs in a spur. Electron tunneling from evis to the OD radical does not occur in D2O ice. It is concluded that a proton (H3O+) or a deuteron (D3O+) produced in a spur by the irradiation migrates through ice to react with immobile evis in the same spur, and that the half‐life of evis is determined by the mobility of the proton or deuteron. The Arrhenius plot of the half‐life in the range 100 to 6 K is nonlinear and shows an activation energy of 20 meV at higher temperatures and much smaller values at temperatures below 50 K (1 meV below 15 K). The causes of the unusual Arrhenius plot and the isotope effect on the proton mobility are discussed.