The recursive composition of systems to form functionally equivalent transparently distributed systems is an important paradigm for constructing distributed systems. The extent to which such recursive transparency can be achieved depends crucially on the semantics and functionality offered by the underlying systems. It is therefore important that systems should be designed so that their functionality scales gracefully in a distributed environment.In order to build a transparent extension to a system, it is necessary to be able to intercept its basic operations and extend their meaning to a distributed environment. This requires the underlying system to have a clean structure with well-defined interfaces and the reflective capability necessary to intercept and extend operations crossing those interfaces. Thus, both reflection and transparency are important aspects of the design of extensible distributed systems.It is possible to make transparent extensions to object-oriented systems built on top of micro-kernel architectures but the lack of reflective capabilities in the current generation of object-oriented programming languages can make this unnecessarily awkward. More research is required to develop languages whose computational model and implementation are a better match for the underlying platforms which support them.