Dopamine D1, Dopamine D2, and Prolactin Receptor Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Expression by the Polymerase Chain Reaction in Human Meningiomas

PREVIOUS STUDIES HAVE suggested the presence of high-affimty dopamine D1 receptors and in human cerebral meningiomas, in this study, using the polymerse chain reaction, we report the presence of the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) for the dopamine D1 and D2 receptors and the prolactin receptor in meningionna tissue specimens and cell cultures derived from meningionna tissue. Dopamine D1 receptor mRNA was present in a majority of female tissue specimens and in all male tissue specimens. D2 receptor mRNA was detected in all specimens examined. prolactin receptor mRNA was present in a little more than haif of the female and male meningioma tumor specimens. The ppolymerase chain reaction products were directly sequenced to confirm the identity of these receptors in meningiomas and cell cultures. Ligand binding studies confirmed the presence of the dopamine D1 receptor in meningioma tissue specimens. In contrast, receptor studies with the dopamine D2 ligand [125l]4-iodospiperone failed to detect D2 binding in meningioma membrane preparations. These results suggest the existence of active dopamine D1 receptors in cerebral meningioma.