Generation of Quasi-Monochromatic Photon Beams from Compton Backscattered Laser Light at ETL Electron Storage Ring

Generation of quasi-monochromatic photon beams of energy variable between 1.7 - 6.5 MeV has been observed by inducing the Compton backscattering of laser light quanta on electrons of energy 305 - 606 MeV at the injection straight section of the 600-MeV ETL storage ring. A Nd-YAG laser of wavelength 1.0641μm has been used with output power 0.7 - 1.2 W. The resultant photon spectra are measured with a pure Ge detector, some of which are presented in the present report together with some description on the experimental methods. The absolute yields are being measured by the use of an 8 inch Ø × 8 inch long NaI scintillation counter.