Critical test of the diffraction model in amorphous and disordered metals

The transport properties of amorphous metals below their Debye temperatures Θ are examined within the framework of the diffraction model. The electrical resistivity ρ is predicted to exhibit the following features: (i) All curves deviate from their T=0°K values as +T2; (ii) Negative temperature coefficients of resistivity (TCR) occur at TΘ for KKp, where Kp is the position of the principal peak in the structure factor a(K) and K=2kF. Positive TCR occur at all T for K outside the vicinity of Kp, i.e., to the left- and right-hand sides of Kp; (iii) Small maxima in ρ (of the order of tenths of a percent) are seen for KKp. The position of the maximum shifts to lower temperatures as KKp. The largest maximum occurs for the nearly flat curve; (iv) The amplitude of the variations of ρ, and the size of the maxima are sensitive to Θ and the sharpness of the main peak in a(K); (v) For fixed Θ, the positions of the maxima in ρ generally approach Θ as the main peak in a(K) becomes smaller; (vi) The curves which display only positive TCR are generally S shaped; (vii) The electron-to-atom ratio for negative TCR is estimated to range from 1.3z to 3z. The predictions are compared with experimental findings in a variety of amorphous alloys. The agreement is excellent. The question of breakdown of the diffraction model is discussed; some of the apparent paradoxes seen in high-resistivity metals are resolved through a redefinition of saturation. The implications of these results for disordered and liquid metals are also discussed.