Inheritance of porphyria cutanea tarda*.

Existence of hereditary porphyria cutanea tarda [PCT] must be supported by chemical and clinical investigations capable of discriminating this porphyria from porphyria variegata because the clinical symptoms may overlap. On the basis of such investigations (normal urinary excretion of .delta.ALA [aminolevulinic acid] and of porphobilinogen; urinary excretion of large amounts of 8- and 7-carboxyl porphyrins; fecal coproporphyrin and X porphyrin fractions may be increased) 14 cases were classified out of 200 cases of PCT that were observed in the last 7 yr, as hereditary PCT. The 14 patients belong to 5 different families: 2 members in each of the 1st 3 families, 3 members in the 4th and 5 members in the 5th. In this last family heredity is biliteral.

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