Chronology of the differentiation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber cells

Cotton fibers are single elongated cells that develop from epidermal cells of the ovule. The chronology of fiber differentiation was investigated using cultured ovules. Epidermal cells differentiate into fiber cells approx. 3 d before anthesis. When ovules were cultured on a defined medium, fiber growth could be initiated on ovules any time between 2 d preanthesis and the time of anthesis by adding indole-3-acetic acid and gibberellic acid to the medium. In the absence of phytohormones, fibers did not grow, and when ovules between 2 d preanthesis and anthesis were cultured without hormones past the day of anthesis and hormones then added, most ovules failed to produce fibers. The results define the timing of fiber differentiation from epidermal cells, and also define a window of time when differentiated cells are capable of further development. During this window, fiber cells are latent awaiting appropriate stimulation which in the intact plant is apparently associated with anthesis.