Argon ion impact desorption cross sections of chlorine and carbon from nickel

Total desorption cross sections have been measured for Cl (σCl) and C (σC) on Ni(111) by Argon ion bombardment for an incidence angle of 60 ° from the surface normal. For the bombardment an ion gun with low current density (i0∠1×10−7 A cm−2) at low system pressure (∠10−9 Torr) was used. The detection was performed by AES and the data was sensitivity factor corrected. The AES analysis of the surface after adsorption showed that Ni, C, and Cl contributed to more than 95% of the atomic composition. With known i0, it is possible to obtain σ from the adsorbate signal vs ion bombardment time curve. For ion energies between 0.2 to 1.0 keV the measured values for σCl and σC are 0.35–3.5×10−15 cm2 and 0.9–75×10−17 cm2, respectively.