The Product of the Human c- erb B-2 Gene: a 185-Kilodalton Glycoprotein with Tyrosine Kinase Activity

Antibodies were raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to 14 amino acid residues at the COOH-terminus of a protein deduced from the human c-erbB-2 nucleotide sequence. These antibodies immunoprecipitated a 185-kilodalton glycoprotein from MKN-7 adenocarcinoma cells. Incubation of the immunoprecipitates with (gamma-32P)ATP resulted in the phosphorylation of this protein on tyrosine residues. These results indicate that the human c-erbB-2 gene product is the 185-kilodalton glycoprotein that is associated with tyrosine kinase activity. Although the c-erbB-2 protein was predicted to encode a protein very similar to epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, EGF did not stimulate this kinase activity either in vivo or in vitro.