The total protein concentration of gingival crevicular fluid

The total protein concentration of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), sampled repeatedly over a 10-min period with the minimum of physical irritation to the sulcus, was evaluated in a group of 32 healthy adolescents. The mean concentration of the 1st sample was comparable to that of normal tissue fluids and lymph, irrespective of the state of inflammation of the sample site. However, during repeated sampling, the values rose to resemble serum protein levels, except at those sites with no clinically detectable inflammation. Gel electrophoretic analysis confirmed the increasing proportion of serum-derived molecules in the more proteinaceous GCF samples. The results demonstrate the extreme sensitivity of the gingival vasculature to GCF sampling and consequently the need for accurate standardistion of GCF collection protocols. This will apply particularly when compositional data is to be normalised with respect to the total protein content or when the levels of a serum constitutent are being examined.