Effect of Fasting on Blood Sugars in Hereditary Hypopituitary Dwarf Mice.

Hereditary hypopituitary dwarf mice of the Bar Harbor strain were fasted 12-96 hrs. and blood sugars recorded at intervals using modified Folin-Wu methods of Klendehoj-Hubbard. Normal mice of the same strain served as controls. Blood sugars of fed hereditary hypopituitary dwarfs are slightly but not significantly lower than in fed normals. Sugar content in the blood of fasting dwarfs drops sharply to 68 mg% at the 96th hr. as contrasted with 103 mg% in normal mice. The sensitivity of the dwarf to fasting is somewhat similar to that of hypophysectomized animals. This marked sensitivity of the hypopituitary dwarf may best be attributed to the known imbalance in the adrenal-pituitary axis and/or the deficiency of the pituitary growth factor in the dwarf.