A Comparative Assessment of Neck Muscle Strength and Vertebral Stability

This research project was undertaken as a component of a comprehensive assessment of the University of Connecticut's freshman football team. The purpose of this study was to identify weaknesses in the neck musculature and note any relationships between strength differences and cervical spine stability. Neck muscle strength was evaluated using isometric contractions for the motions of flexion, extension, and right and left lateral flexion. Statistical correlations were derived for each of the 28 male subjects, who were divided into two groups of 14 linemen and 14 runningbacks. A Human Performance Regulator, which electrically evaluates neuromuscular force produced during an isometric contraction, was used to measure the force applied. A typical weightlifting power rack was used as a stabilization platform. The data recorded indicates that there are significant differences between the neck muscle strength of the two groups, as well as differences in neck muscle strength of individuals between their right and left sides. Looking at these muscular differences and their relationship to cervical vertebrae alignment during lateral flexion, the authors contend that blocking or tackling with the head in a laterally flexed position, to supposedly hit with the shoulder, places the cervical spine in a structurally weak position lacking muscular support, and predisposes the athlete to cervical spine injuries. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1987;8(7):351-356.

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