Earth scientists have measured fractal dimensions of surfaces by different techniques, including the divider, box, triangle, slit-island, power spectral, variogram and distribution methods. We review these seven measurement techniques, finding that fractal dimensions may vary systematically with measurement method. We discuss possible reasons for these differences, and point to common problems shared by all of the methods, including the remainder problem, curve-fitting, orientation of the measurement plane, size and direction of the sample. Fractal measurements have been applied to many problems in the earth sciences, at a wide range of spatial scales. These include map data of topography; fault traces and fracture networks; fracture surfaces of natural rocks, both in the field and at laboratory scales; metal surfaces; porous aggregate geometry; flow and transport through heterogeneous systems; and various microscopic surface phenomena associated with adsorption, aggregation, erosion and chemical dissolution. We review these applications and discuss the usefulness and limitations of fractal analysis to these types of problems in the earth sciences.