Immunohistochemical study of S-100 protein in the postnatal development of Müller cells and astrocytes in the rat retina

The rat retina was studied by immunohistochemistry with antibody to S-100 protein during the first three postnatal weeks. Immunoreactive astrocytes are first detected subjacent to the inner limiting membrane close to the optic disc. They gradually increase in number and spread toward the ora serrata along the inner surface of the retina as the development proceeds. S-100-immunostained Müller cells are first identified on the 12th postnatal day although their immunoreactivity is much weaker than that of astrocytes at the same stage. This differential intensity of the immunoreactivity of the two cell types facilitates observation of the entire shape of the astrocyte. This characteristic reveals that cellular investments of blood vessels in the inner retina are formed by astrocytic processes whereas those in the outer plexiform layer are derived from processes of Müller cells. The cellular investment becomes complete by the 18th postnatal day.