Effects of diminished and conflicting sensory information on balance in patients with cerebellar deficits

We studied the effects of altered sensory information on standing balance in 25 patients with cortical cerebellar atrophy (CCA), nine patients with olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA), and 10 normal subjects. The total sway path and its components, the antroposterior (AP) sway path and the lateral sway path, were measured under six conditions: (1) standing on a fixed platform with the eyes open and visual surroundings fixed, (2) standing on a fixed platform with the eyes closed, (3) standing on a fixed platform with the eyes open and visual surroundings AP sway referenced, (4) standing on an AP sway-referenced platform with the eyes open and visual surroundings fixed, (5) standing on an AP sway-referenced platform with the eyes closed, and (6) standing on an AP sway-referenced platform with the eyes open and visual surroundings AP sway referenced. Patients swayed more than normal subjects during normal stance (condition 1), when the visual information was absent (condition 2) or distorted (condition 3), and when the proprioceptive information from the ankles was distorted (condition 4). Patients swayed much more than normal, and most fell, when two sensory modalities were affected under condition 5 (proprioceptive information distorted and visual information absent) and condition 6 (both proprioceptive information and visual information distorted). When the patients' sway was normalized to that of the first condition, however, only their lateral sway was greater than the sway in normal subjects. Unlike in normal subjects, the patients' lateral sway varied with the AP sway to approximately the same degree in each condition for conditions 1–5. Clinical ratings of gait and balance were highly correlated with the sway measures. Quantitative testing of standing balance with altered sensory information has better sensitivity than normal stance testing.