Optically nonlinear polymeric switches and modulators

Side chain polyrrers containing hyperpolarizable noieties as the periant groups have been applied as optically ncrilinear traterials to produce polyxreric integrat1 electro-optical devices . Phase nixiulators, intisity nixiulators (1ch-Zebzx1er interferaiters) aixi optical 2*2 sce switches ( 2*2 directixa1 nixie couplers) have been uncle . Driving voltages as 1ci as 2 Volts (V ) have been obtain1 for a 24 nm active 1gth ‡kmse ncdulator; 4.4 Volts (V ) for a 14 inn active 1angthch-Zebrx1er interferarter, ath 9 Volts for a 14 nm active length directionI node ccupler. Intisity nixiulation ratios of about -23 dB atti -17 dB have been derived for the intensity nixiulator atd nixie ccxipling switch, respectively. The device properties , theni.l arxi electrical stabilities , etc. will be discussed. The results obtained shcw that optically txnlinear polyiTers are attractive caixlidates for the realizaticzi of polyireric integrated electro-optical devices. In additicn, several passive veguiding devices have beai nnde.