Dispersion in Cognitive Ability as a Function of Age: A Longitudinal Study of an Elderly Community Sample

This longitudinal study investigated whether age is associated with increased dispersion among major domains of cognitive ability. Three samples were examined: the full sample of 760 elderly community dwellers aged 70 years and older who were tested in 1990; a subset of the original sample who died between testing occasions; and the sample of 426 who survived with full data sets in 1994 (followed up for a mean 3.5 years). Dispersion, as measured by the within-individual standard deviation of ability scores and by the within-individual deviations from crystallized intelligence for speed, memory and spatial functioning, was significantly correlated with age in all three samples at Wave 1 and at Wave 2 (for the longitudinal sample). The rate at which dispersion increased was not significantly correlated with age. In a more detailed analysis of the 426 survivors, dispersion as a function of age was similar for demented persons within this sample, those without dementia, those with poor and excellent education...

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