The Carbomers are synthetic, high molecular weight, nonlinear polymers of acrylic acid, cross-linked with a polyalkenyl polyether. The Carbomer polymers are used in cosmetics and emulsifying agents at concentrations up to 50%. Acute oral animal studies showed that Carbomers-910, -934, -934P, -940, and -941 have low toxicities when ingested. Rabbits showed minimal skin irritation and zero to moderate eye irritation when tested with Carbomers-910 and -934. Subchronic feeding of rats and dogs with Carbomer-934 in the diet resulted in lower than normal body weights, but no pathological changes were observed. Dogs chronically fed Carbomer-934P manifested gastrointestinal irritation and marked pigment deposition within Kupffer cells of the liver. Clinical studies with Carbomers showed that these polymers have low potential for skin irritation and sensitization at concentrations up to 100%. Carbomer-934 demonstrated low potential for phototoxicity and photo-contact allergenicity. On the basis of the available information presented and as qualified in the report, it is concluded that the Carbomers are safe as cosmetic ingredients.