The dimeric enzyme glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI-1) is regulated in oocytes by a cis-acting temporal gene (Gpi-1t) that maps close to the structural gene (Gpi-1s). Quantitative cellulose acetate electrophoresis of GPI-1 allozymes from unfertilized eggs produced by various Gpi-1s a / Gpi-1s b heterozygous females revealed a new Gpi-1t allele that we have designated Gpi-1t c . This allele is present in 101/H mice and a partially congenie stock that carries the Gpi-ls a gene derived from the AKR strain. We have confirmed that Gpi-1t c is closely linked to Gpi-1s and that it is cis-acting. It produces higher levels of GPI-1 in unfertilized eggs than the other two Gpi-lt alleles that are known (Gpi-1t a and Gpi-1t b ) but has no effect on GPI-1 in somatic tissues or spermatozoa. This new Gpi-1t allele represents a third developmental programme for GPI-1 expression in oocytes.