Ultrastructural study of the effect of calcium ionophore, A23187, on rat muscle

The present study was undertaken to investigate changes in the muscle fiber when treated with calcium ionophore. Muscles treated with ionophore showed disruption of the plasma membrane of the muscle fiber, delta lesions, marked contraction of the myofibrills, and dissolution of Z lines and I bands. Black granules of calcium pyroantimonate were observed inside the plasma membrane in ionophoretreated muscle fibers without alteration of the other muscle organelles. The density of the intramembranous particles was less in muscle treated with calcium ionophore than in the control muscle. These results support the previous hypothesis that the increased concentration of intracellular calcium activates calcium-activated neutral protease and induces necrosis of the myofiber. The mechanism for the decrease in the density of intramembranous particles is unsolved. However, the disruption of the plasma membrane may not be a direct effect of calcium ionophore on it, but a secondary phenomenon which occurs after the calcium-induced necrosis of the muscle fibers.