The occurrence of multiple tumors of the skeleton has been recognized for many years, especially in adults. The frequency of multiple myeloma is either increasing, or the clinical diagnosis and reports of cases are being made more frequently. Previous to 1916, Martini1 collected only 204 cases of this type of multiple bone tumor reported in the literature. All of the cases reported were in adults, the youngest patient being 24 years of age. As two cases of multiple myelomas of children have come under my observation, I feel that they should be recorded in the literature. Harbitz2 reported two cases of multiple bone tumors involving the cranial bones, ribs, sternum and vertebrae, which were associated with enlargement of the liver and spleen. He suggested the name, myeloerythroblastoma for these tumors because of their microscopic structure. The term multiple myelomas was first applied in 1876 by Rustizky to a

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