The Role of Complement in the Phagocytosis of Candida Albicans by Mouse Peripheral Blood Leukocytes

The phagocytosis of Candida albicans by peripheral blood leukocytes obtained from complement-deficient (C-) CF-1 female mice was tested in the presence of specific mouse antiserum, complement-positive (C+) or C- normal mouse serum. Phagocytosis was also tested with leukocytes collected from C+ B10.D2/Sn “new line” × B10.D2/Sn “old line” F1 hybrid mice and C-F1 hybrid × old line backcross mice in the presence of either C+ or C- normal mouse serum. The results indicated that phagocytosis of Candida by mouse blood leukocytes was rapid and was enhanced by a complete hemolytic C system. Also, phagocytosis of the yeast was enhanced by specific antiserum. The extent of intracellular killing of Candida measured with mouse peritoneal cells was not influenced by the presence of antibody, or of a complete C system, or the C status of the animals providing the cells.

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