Monkey Posterior Parietal Cortex Neurons Antidromically Activated From Superior Colliculus

Paré, Martin and Robert H. Wurtz. Monkey posterior parietal cortex neurons antidromically activated from superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 3493–3497, 1997. The connection between the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) and the superior colliculus (SC) was investigated by antidromically activating neurons within the lateral intraparietal (LIP) area with single-pulse stimulation delivered to the intermediate layers of the SC. To dissociate visual and saccade-related responses, the discharge properties of the identified efferent neurons were studied in the delayed visually guided saccade task and the memory guided saccade task. We found that the great majority (74%) of the identified LIP efferent neurons have a peripheral visual receptive field, typically with a broad spatial tuning. About two-thirds (64%) exhibited sustained activity during the delay period of the behavioral tasks, during which the monkeys had to withhold eye movements, and 80% of these increased their activity just before the onset of saccades. Both delay and presaccadic discharges in the delayed visually guided saccade task were higher than in the memory guided saccade task. These results establish that the neuronal signal sent by LIP to the SC carries both visual and saccade-related information.