The work described was undertaken under a Ministry of Supply Contract to investigate the fatigue strength of certain materials where the expected endurance in use was less than the range of values usually examined in fatigue testing. The material was supplied in the form of a 6 ft. x 3 ft. x 1/4 in. sheet of aluminium alloy MG5. Tensile test pieces having a parallel length one inch wide by 4 1/2 in. long were taken in both directions from two diagonally opposite corners of the sheet. Later, similar longitudinal test pieces were taken from areas near the other two corners. The plane bending fatigue test pieces were of the form shown in Fig. 1 and were all cut in the longitudinal direction. The waisted test portion was polished on the edges, the original sheet surface being retained on the faces. Steel plates were clamped to the ends of the test pieces by bolts passing through the holes in order to localise the strain in the test portion as much as possible.