Advanced glycation end product receptor interactions on microvascular cells occur within caveolin‐rich membrane domains

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have an important role in diabetic complications, with many responses mediated through AGE-receptors. The current study has investigated the binding and uptake of AGEs by retinal microvascular endothelium in an attempt to understand the nature of AGE-interaction with receptors on the cell surface. There has been special emphasis placed on the R1, R2, and R3 components of AGE-receptor complex (AGE-RC) and their localization to caveolin-rich membrane domains. Retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs) were exposed to either AGE-modified BSA (AGE-BSA) or native BSA conjugated to colloidal gold (gAGE, gBSA) for various time periods, fixed, and processed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Localization of AGE-RC components in caveolae was investigated using confocal microscopy and ultrastructural immunogold labeling. Caveolae were extracted from RMECs using differential Triton X-100 solubility, and Western analysis was conducted to test for caveolae enrichment and the presence of AGE-RC complex components. Ligand blots determined 125I-AGE-BSA binding to caveolae-enriched extracts. Colloidal gold conjugates of AGE-BSA bound to caveolae and were internalized to be trafficked to lysosomal-like compartments. AGE-receptor complex components were significantly enriched within caveolae. The data suggest that AGEs interact with their receptors within caveolae. It is significant that the AGE-R complex localizes to these organelles, because this may have implications for AGE binding, internalization, signal transduction, and the modulation of AGE-receptor-mediated vascular cell dysfunction.
Funding Information
  • Wellcome Trust
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH R01 AG09453)

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