Highly Sensitive and Specific Fluorescence Reverse Transcription-PCR Assay for the Pseudogene-free Detection of β-Actin Transcripts as Quantitative Reference

The use of common reverse transcription (RT)-PCR reference target sequences can produce false-positive results by amplification of either contaminating DNA or processed pseudogenes. Furthermore, qualitative RT-PCR alone cannot distinguish between high- and poor-quality cDNA preparations, which again may be crucial for the interpretation of low-abundance transcripts. We have developed a highly sensitive quantitative RT-PCR for β-actin, using the TaqManTM chemistry. Through this technique, we were able to quantitatively detect 10 β-actin molecules per 100 ng of cDNA without coamplification of pseudogenes or genomic DNA. Thus, the presented method may be advantageous for the interpretation of quantitative RT-PCR results.