The recorded parasites and predators of Meligethes aeneus (F.) and M. viridescens (F.) [Coleoptera: Nitidulidae] are given together with descriptions and illustrations, for the first time, of the post-embryonic stages of the hymenopterous parasites Diospilus capito (Nees) [Braconidae], Isurgus heterocerus (Thoms.) [Ichneumonidae], Isurgus sp. A, and Cryptoserphus parvulus (Nees) [Proctotrupidae]. The egg and first instar of Thersilochus sp. are described and figured, and a species of Zeteticontus mentioned. The antennae, propodea, and ovipositors of the two species of Isurgus are compared and the ovipositors of Diospilus capito, Isurgus sp. A, I. heterocerus and Thersilochus sp. are illustrated.A protozoan (Gregarine), a larval mite and a nematode, none of which has been identified, are recorded inhabiting Meligethes adults.