Lipid Hydrolysis in Unblanched Frozen Peas (Pisum sativum)

SUMMARY: Data on hydrolytic changes in the lipids of unblanched (enzymatically active) peas in the range –5 to –20°C are presented. The Q10 value for the formation of free fatty acids between these temperatures is about 2.5. The corresponding value for development of off‐flavor is about 3.0. Both values are considerably lower than those typical for deteriorative non‐enzymatic reactions in blanched vegetables.Gas chromatographic analysis of the free fatty acid fraction demonstrates further that there is an apparent preference for hydrolysis of polyunsaturated acids. This tendency is especially evident in the lower part of the temperature range studied. A corresponding increase of the proportion of saturated acids in the unhydrolyzed fat can be shown. No net change of any single acid in the combined lipid fractions is observed, except for linoleic and linolenic acids, which decrease somewhat after long storage at the higher temperatures. This indicates a substantial breakdown into smaller molecules.