Review of the procedures used in determining fossil plant organs indicates that the many Cretaceous records of extant genera of “Amentiferae” based on leaves should be rejected as theoretically unreliable. Palynological data, in combination with some valid megafossil data, indicate that most recognizable members of “Amentiferae” are no older than the later part of the Late Cretaceous. Juglandales appear to be derivatives of the ancient Normapolles complex and unrelated to other “Amentiferae.” A preliminary account of some of the comparative foliar morphology of extant “Amentiferae” indicates that some—particularly Betulaceae and Fagaceae—are closely related to Hamamelidales but that other families—notably Rhoipteleaceae, Juglandaceae, Didymelaceae, and Leitneriaceae—are unrelated to this order.