Peritoneoscopic examination has now been accepted throughout the world as a safe diagnostic procedure in lieu of laparotomy in selected cases. Laparotomies for diagnostic purposes alone should be condemned. Peritoneoscopy should not be done without a definite purpose and the procedure should not be expected to accomplish more than the purpose for which it is done. Indications for the procedure are set forth in detail. Experience has established definite contraindications, which are reviewed. The procedure is especially indicated for patients who are aged, emaciated, anemic, or poor surgical risks for any reason. All patients having ascites of undetermined cause should be examined by peritoneoscopy. The method is especially indicated for examination of patients with liver disease of all types, for pelvic examinations, for use to determine existence of ectopic pregnancy, and for tumor localization. Considerable use was made of the procedure during World War II to determine the extent and site of intra-abdominal injuries caused by crushing, explosions, and falls from high places. The procedure permits early and correct diagnosis, early decision as to the advisability of operation, and determination as to operability in cases of malignant gastric lesions. It is a safe method for obtaining biopsy specimens from intra-abdominal tissue and organs. Accuracy of diagnosis in cases in which the method can be used is considerably greater with peritoneoscopic examination than with clinical information alone.