Use of Health Belief Model to Predict Condom Use among University Students in Nigeria

The purpose of this study is to use the concepts of the Health Belief Model (HBM) to predict self-reported condom use among university students in Nigeria. A sample of 395 students enrolled in a required course at a University in Nigeria completed a self-administered questionnaire. The HBM guided instrument design. Regression analyses were used to test the HBM variables (susceptibility to and severity of AIDS; benefits and barriers to condom use; cues to action; AIDS knowledge; and demographics) in predicting condom use, past and intended. The results indicate that condom benefit beliefs, condom barrier beliefs, cues to action, knowledge and male gender were significant predictors of past condom use. Perceived barriers to condom use, perceived benefits of condoms use, and male gender were significant predictors of intentions to use condoms. These findings have important implications for the design of interventions to increase condom use among young adults in Nigeria.