Diabetic autonomic neuropathy

The use of heart rate monitoring in the diagnosis of diabetic autonomic neuropathy, and its value in observing the natural history of this disorder, has been assessed. Two tests were used: measurement of heart rate variation during deep breathing and of heart rate change on standing up. Two hundred and eighty seven diabetics aged between 20 and 49 years were studied, and 21 of them were observed repeatedly over 3 to 5 years. Heart rate variation (HRV) on deep breathing proved to be the more sensitive diagnostic index of autonomic neuropathy and was abnormal or borderline in 62 of 64 patients with established autonomic symptoms. Autonomic abnormalities were also detected in some diabetics without autonomic symptoms especially in those with peripheral neuropathy, 30% of whom had abnormal HRV on deep breathing. Abnormal tests appeared to represent permanent autonomic damage and may be present for years without the development of autonomic symptoms, occasionally (7%) preceding any other manifestation of diabetic neuropathy. Serial observations of HRV on deep breathing over 3 to 5 years showed little change, although overall there was a small deterioration of autonomic function, with a decrease of HRV score of 1.0 per year. The tests used are simple, and provide quantitative bedside measurements of autonomic function. When heart rate variation is normal, autonomic neuropathy is virtually excluded.