Ergonovine Testing in Patients with Exertional Angina

Injection of ergonovine has been suggested as a diagnostic test in patients with suspicion of a vasospastic component in the pathophysiology of angina pectoris. However, a thorough case history has been considered by others to give the same information regarding the anginal mechanism. Therefore a bedside ergonovine test (0.075-0.675 mg i.v.) was performed in 21 consecutive patients with effort angina in order to study the relation between the outcome of the test and the case history concerning angina at rest. A coronary angiography was performed in all cases and showed significant stenoses in 17 patients and normal coronary arteries in 4. Eight patients has angina only during effort, 11 had angina both during effort and at rest and 2 patients had atypical chest pain. Ten of the 11 patients with concomitant rest angina developed chest pain at the ergonovine test and 9 coexisting ECG changes. However, these effects were about as common among the 8 patients without angina at rest: 7 developed chest pain and 4 also ECG changes. The two patients with atypical chest pain had normal coronary angiograms and in these patients ergonovine provoked the same atypical chest pain but no ECG changes. Thus, a concomitant angina at rest is a common finding among patients with severe effort angina. However, the response to ergonovine was as common in the group with only effort angina as in the group with concomitant rest angina, indicating the limited value of this test in patients with severe angina.