Atomic scale modelling of edge dislocation movement in the alpha-Fe-Cu system

The aim of the present work is to investigate by molecular dynamics (MD) calculations the interaction between a moving edge dislocation in an -Fe crystal and a copper precipitate. In the absence of external stresses, two edge dislocations with the same slip plane and opposite Burgers vectors within a perfect -Fe crystal lattice are investigated. In agreement with Frank's rule, the movement of the dislocations under mutual attraction is found and attention is focused on the interaction between one of the dislocations and the Cu precipitate. The critical resolved shear stress of the Fe was calculated and the influence of different sizes of Cu precipitates on the dislocation mobility was studied. The pinning of the dislocation line at the Cu inclusion as derived from the atomistic modelling agrees with previously published continuum theoretical behaviour of pinned dislocations. Therefore, nanosimulation as a way to model precipitation hardening could be established as a useful scientific tool.