Expression and targeting of a 47 kDa integral peroxisomal membrane protein of Candida boidinii in wild type and a peroxisome‐deficient mutant of Hansenula polymorpha

A 47 kDa integral peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP47) of Candida boidinii was expressed in wild type (WT) and a temperature-sensitive (Ts6) peroxisome-deficient (per) mutant of Hansenula polymorpha. The subcellular location of PMP47 appeared to be dependent on the level of expression. At low expression levels PMP47 was sorted to the peroxisomal membrane; however, in Ts6 cells grown at restrictive temperatures (which lack intact peroxisomes) PMP47 was solely located in small cytosolic aggregates, together with homologous H. polymorpha PMP's. At enhanced expression levels, however, part of the protein also became incorporated into mitochondria, both in transformed WT and Ts6 cells.