The exact exchange-correlation functional Exc[n] must be approximated in density-functional theory for the computation of electronic properties. By the coupling-constant integration (adiabatic-connection) formula we know that Exc[n]=F01(Veeα[n]-U[n])dα, where Veeα[n] is the electron-electron repulsion energy of Ψnmin,α, which is that wave function that yields the density n and minimizes 〈T^+αV^ee〉. Here α is the coupling constant. Consequently, knowledge of the behavior of Veeα[n] as a function of α ensures knowledge of Exc[n]. With this in mind and for the purpose of approximating Exc, it was previously established that (∂Veeα/∂α)≤0. The present paper reveals that Veeα[n]=αVee1[n1/α], where nβ(x,y,z)=β3nxyz), and where β is a coordinate scale factor.