Established plots of four pasture grasses growing in association with white clover were trodden by sheep at three different rates 14 times between March 1962 and October 1963. Herbage yields of perennial ryegrass and timothy were not reduced by treading in any season; those of cocksfoot were reduced by winter treading at the highest rate; and yields of browntop were reduced in winter by all rates of treading, and in autumn at the highest rate. White clover yields were reduced by treading in summer at the highest rate and in winter at all rates. White clover yielded highest when associated with browntop. During February and March 1964 seed heads were counted and seed yields obtained. Although low, yields of perennial ryegrass and timothy were increased by treading, at all rates in perennial ryegrass and at the highest rate only in timothy, because of increased head numbers in trodden plots. Browntop seed yields were reduced by treading; those of cocksfoot were not affected. Differences in treading effects obtained at Gore and at Palmerston North are discussed. Winter cold and herbage cover at treading are postulated as being major influences in determining environmental differences.