The correlation between craniofacial and long bone growth: An experimental investigation in normal rabbits

The present study was undertaken to elucidate the relationships between craniofacial and long-bone growth. Nine male New Zealand white rabbits received spherical tantalum bone markers in the tibial epiphyses and in the nasal, frontal, and parietal bones. The animals were followed from 30 to 143 days of age. Growth changes were calculated with a roentgen stereometric system, and the results statistically evaluated. Except for the final interval when all variables varied at random, high correlations between tibial and frontonasal or coronal sutural growth were demonstrated; and the respective linear regression lines were homogenously assembled. The relationship between the tibia and the sagittal suture displayed great variations between individual animals as well as between the suture's parts, although growth at the interfrontal suture was clearly correlated to tibial growth upon exclusion of the time factor. The first principal component of the three neurocranial sutures was calculated and seemed accurately correlated to longbone growth. The present study concluded that growth at the frontonasal and coronal sutures normally seems to parallel general somatic development, while growth at the sagittal suture appears individually displaced in time. Nevertheless, when the principal component of the combination of the coronal suture and the neurocranial section of the sagittal suture was computed, this was highly correlated to body growth.