Anorectal surgery in the HIV+ patient

Anorectal surgery in HIV+ patients historically has been viewed with a great deal of nihilism. Advances in medical therapy and better understanding of unique pathophysiologic processes have afforded the colorectal surgeon the ability to treat better and sometimes cure the anorectal complications of AIDS. We present a series of 75 consecutive surgical procedures (1-year accrual) on HIV+ (40) and CDC AIDS (22) patients. Surgical procedures, perioperative T cell counts, and outcome will be presented; 53 percent of procedures resulted in complete healing of anal wounds; 30 percent resulted in partial healing with symptomatic relief; 17 percent resulted in symptomatic relief or tissue diagnosis without appreciable wound healing. The healing rate was significantly higher in the HIV+ group (69 percent) compared to the AIDS group (26 percent). Perioperative T cell counts did not have predictive value on outcome. No patients suffered significant unexpected morbidity, mortality, or incontinence. Pathophysiologic mechanisms of several disease processes unique to HIV+ patients and data from our ongoing investigation using RNA hybridization are presented.